Jamming Space: Egregore
29 October 2022 | 8pm
Conceived by
Brandon Tay
Chok Si Xuan
Yingyi Feng
Suhui Hee
Tristan Lim
Mervin Wong
Victoria Yam
rEmPiT g0dDe$$
Natalie Soh
Chok Si Xuan, E(Gregory), Yingyi Feng, Suhui Hee,
Tristan Lim, Brandon Tay, Mervin Wong and Victoria Yam
Creative Direction
Spatial Design
Technical Installation

The 2022 edition of Jamming Space returns with Brandon Tay’s Egregore, an exploration by seven practitioners from various disciplines, invited to rethink conventional notions in their relationship with technology.
In a 36-hour jamming session, Brandon, with his collaborators become co-parents to a six-limbed post-human (techno)baby, culminating in a 60-minute presentation that celebrates the (techno)baby’s first steps as they see, dance and sing.
rEmPiT g0dDe$$ then heads the post-presentation session with a psychedelic live set of thumping augmented strains.
Egregore is an experiment that explores the process of collaborative co-creation. As a concept, an egregore is a non-physical entity created through the directed thought of a distinct group of people, likened to theses of gestalt, swarm intelligence, and on a macro-level the gaia hypothesis.
With Egregore, the units/artists are prompted to rethink conventional notions in their relationship with technology; be it as a form of cognitive prosthesis / the study of the human being as a system, mode of communication, or the glass bead game / the synthesis of various disciplines into new insights.
In a 36-hour jamming session committed to democratic sharing and collective learning, Brandon with his collaborators become co-parents to a six-limbed post-human (techno)baby. This results in a public showing that celebrates the (techno)baby’s first steps as they sing, dance and see.
Conceived by Brandon Tay
In Collaboration with Chok Si Xuan, Yingyi Feng, Suhui Hee, Tristan Lim, Mervin Wong and Victoria Yam