The Art of Living in the In-Between
10 - 14 November 2010
Evil Empire, 48 Niven Road
Natalie Hennedige
Brian Gothong Tan
David Lee
Philip Tan
Suven Chan
Rizman Putra
Brian Chia
Mohd Fared Jainal
Neon Tights
Goh Guat Kian
Jo Kukathas
Lim Kay Siu
Muhammad Najib Bin Soiman (bijaN) Neo Swee Lin
Jean Ng
Noorlinah Mohamed
Nora Samosir
Peter Sau
Siti Khalijah
Karen Tan
Tuckys Photography

The art of living in the in-between is a collaborative art project featuring installation, film, performance, workshops and gigs that uncover the inspirations and fantasies that have catalyzed 5 years of works by Cake.
Over 5 days, a shophouse is transformed into a hotbed of images, words, sound, strange movement, magnetic encounters and unexpected happenings sometimes way into the night! Wander through the rooms, each flowing and ebbing with exquisite strangeness or come especially for the performance that’ll put the ultra in ‘ultra Cake mix’ or get revitalized in a workshop or hang loose and fancy free at a gig or just come for it all and get a super Cake fix! Cake turns 5 and this art experiment is all about celebrating a journey, stirring up new possibilities and capturing moments in the realm of the in-between.
Coming of age, life and death, monsters in the making, animal lust, divine longings, wilderness wandering, mother superior, sons and daughters, the power of two, slipping and sliding and facing the light. Here’s the plan. 10 captivating characters from 5 years of Cake productions connect and collide in a whole new theatrical work. Drawing text and inspiration from all previous works, the characters live and learn, twist and turn, strive and thrive in a wild, new, dramatic concoction.