Decimal Points 4.44
13 - 14 May 2011
The Substation Theatre
Conceived & Directed by
Brian Gothong Tan
Visual Designers
David Lee & Brian Gothong Tan
Devised and Performed by
Jo Kukathas
Lim Kay Siu
Neo Swee Lin
Karen Tan
Alfian Bin Sa’at
Nora Samosir
Siti Khalijah Zainal
Lighting Designer
Suven Chan
Sound Designer
Philip Tan
Tuckys Photography

Helmed by Brian Gothong Tan, the first experiment in the Decimal Points series is 4.44. Intertwining performance art and cinema, and devised and performed by Jo Kukathas, Lim Kay Siu, Neo Swee Lin and Karen Tan, the existence of 4 individuals is pushed into hyper real levels through a series of live and filmic vignettes, blurring the lines of illusion and reality.
Inspired by a range of television and film genres, and live performance styles, Decimal Points 4.44 sets life against a backdrop of dying ideals.